Study 1
A quickly rendered line drawing of my nephew aged 18 months before he turned around!.

Study 2
This proved easier to draw as he was engrossed in the texture of something he was holding. Rapidograph. A-5

Children in Milan
Approved line art for the final book cover. Pencil & Rapidograph. 16"x10"
Future Rabbit logo
rough sketch. Cutesier rabbit concept in a costume inspired by the 1950's Sci-Fi B-Movie, 'Conquest of Space'. Pencil & felt-tip. A-4

Alternative logo
concept rough for R. F. Scott Clothing. A more detailed line treatment. Rapidograph. A-4

Figure's in motion
Quickly rendered sketches attempting to capture the immediacy of movement. Sketch pen. A-6

CD cover concept
art for The Jack o' Bones. Rapidograph, felt-tip & coloured crayon. A-4

First colour concept
idea for 'A Partridge in a Pear Tree' greetings card. Markers & Rapidograph. A-5

The Necromancer
Character idea influenced in style by Arthur Rackham and by Leonardo da Vinci. Graphite pencil on sepia paper. A-4.

'Encountering the genie in the cave'.
Composition rough for Fred's Fantastic Carpet in the story collection 'Dave's Last Ride'. Sketch pen. A-5.